Where is the Best Place to Affix a Shipping Label on a Box?

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Automated labeling machines will make sure the labels are put on correctly. The last thing you want is for your shipping labels to be put on wrong. That can cause all kinds of problems like scanning errors, lost packages, or delays.

The best place to affix a shipping label on a box is on a flat surface, either on the top or side, where the label is fully visible and unobstructed.

Automated equipment will put the label in the right place every time.


Best Place to Affix a Shipping Label on a Box


The Importance of Proper Shipping Label Placement

Proper shipping label placement is crucial for the smooth operation of your logistics. Whether it’s during the sort or final delivery, if the shipping label is in the wrong spot, you’re going to have delayed shipments, lost packages, or the inability to track them. For big operations, doing this manually is not only inefficient, but you’re also going to make mistakes.

Automatic label applicators can eliminate a lot of these problems. They will make sure the labels are put on uniformly and correctly. This will save you from the common problems people have in logistics. Companies that ship a lot of stuff, especially in the e-commerce and manufacturing worlds, can save a lot of headaches by automating this process.


Why Does Shipping Label Placement Matter?

The reason you care about where the label goes is because you want it to be readable. The shipping label has important information like the delivery address, tracking barcode and handling instructions. If it is put on improperly (e.g., crooked, folded, placed on a curve), the label can become unreadable or unscannable. This leads to your packages being misrouted or delayed.

Another reason you care about where the label goes is that you want automated systems like barcode scanners to be able to read it quickly and accurately. A misplaced label can lead to expensive mistakes like missed shipments or the need for manual intervention in the sorting facility. Automatic packaging systems will make sure the labels are put on where they need to be.


Recommended Placement for Shipping Labels on Boxes

For most standard-sized boxes, the best place to put a shipping label is on the top or one of the large sides. You want to put it on a flat surface so it stays secure and is easy to scan throughout the shipping process. The top of the box is best because that’s the biggest flat area where the label will be fully visible and not obstructed.

If you have smaller boxes or odd-shaped packages, the side might be better, especially if you’re dealing with something fragile or heavy. The key is to not put it over a seam or edge where it might get ripped off or become unreadable during shipping. Automatic labelers like the ones from LabeMachine can put the labels on these spots perfectly.


The Role of Automated Labeling Machines

Automated labeling machines are critical to getting labels in the right place. These machines can handle different sizes and shapes of boxes and adjust where they put the labels based on the needs of each package. Because of this precision, you’re not going to have a problem with people putting labels on wrong.

Automated systems are a time and efficiency saver for businesses that ship a lot of stuff. LabeMachine has corner wrap and flat labeling machines that are perfect for this. They can put labels on the sides or corners of your boxes with ease. This ensures each label is put on uniformly and securely so you can process stuff faster and more accurately.


LabeMachine’s Solutions For Automated Shipping Label Application

LabeMachine has a variety of automated labeling machines for putting on shipping labels. They have corner wrap labelers and flat surface labeling machines. These machines are perfect for people who ship stuff because they are precise, reliable, and can handle big operations without screwing up.

Their systems can be adjusted to fit different label sizes and placements. Whether you need a simple label on the top of the box or a more complicated corner wrap, these machines can make sure the label is put where it needs to be every time. They are also easy to integrate into your current production line, making them a great addition to your system.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Labeling Machine For Shipping Labels

When choosing a labeling machine to automate your shipping labels, you need to look at a few things. First, you need to see if you can customize the machine. LabeMachine has systems that can be fixed to work with different sizes of boxes and different types of labels.

Speed is another big consideration. You need these things to go fast. LabeMachine’s carton labelers can run fast, so you can get a lot of stuff done accurately. Finally, you want to make sure the machine is easy to operate. LabeMachine has easy-to-use systems and great support to help you out.


Conclusion: The Benefits Of Automated Labeling For Shipping Boxes

Automated labeling machines will put your shipping labels on correctly every time. This will make your shipping life easier and less error-prone. LabeMachine has a bunch of different systems to help you out.

About us

LabeMachine is a specialized manufacturer of labeling machines and complementary equipment. Our main products include wire labeling machines, bottle labeling machines, flat labeling machines, packaging machines, and filling machines. We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable solutions for all your labeling and packaging needs.

Picture of John Liu
Hi, I'm John Liu. With over 20 years of experience in the labeling machine industry, I have had the privilege of collaborating with clients in 65 countries and assisting over 3,000 businesses in customizing and implementing efficient labeling solutions. Now, I enjoy sharing my expertise and knowledge about automated equipment, hoping it will be helpful to you.

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